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This combination medication contains two active ingredients: esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate and levosulpiride. It is often prescribed to manage gastrointestinal conditions involving excessive stomach acid production and disturbances in gastrointestinal motility. Let’s explore its uses, potential benefits, and concerns.

Esomeprazole Magnesium Trihydrate:

  • Esomeprazole: A proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that reduces stomach acid production by inhibiting proton pumps in the stomach lining.


  • Levosulpiride: A medication that enhances gastrointestinal motility and is used to address issues related to impaired gastric emptying.


  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): The combination of esomeprazole and levosulpiride can be prescribed to manage GERD by reducing stomach acid production and improving gastrointestinal motility.
  2. Functional Dyspepsia: Functional dyspepsia is a condition characterized by symptoms like bloating, discomfort, and early satiety. Levosulpiride can help alleviate these symptoms by enhancing gastric motility.
  3. Peptic Ulcers: This combination is used to treat peptic ulcers by reducing stomach acid and promoting ulcer healing, while levosulpiride aids in improving gastric motility.
  4. Gastroparesis: Gastroparesis is a condition characterized by delayed stomach emptying. Levosulpiride can help improve stomach motility, leading to better digestion.

Problems and Concerns:

  1. Long-Term Use of PPIs: Prolonged or excessive use of PPIs like esomeprazole may lead to an increased risk of certain health issues, including fractures, kidney disease, and Clostridium difficile infection.
  2. Rebound Acid Hypersecretion: After discontinuing PPIs, some individuals may experience a rebound effect where the stomach produces more acid than usual, potentially causing a temporary increase in symptoms.
  3. Nutritional Absorption: Long-term use of PPIs may interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B12.
  4. Levosulpiride and Neurological Effects: Levosulpiride can affect the central nervous system and is associated with potential neurological side effects. It should be used with caution, especially in individuals with a history of neurological disorders.
  5. Interaction with Other Medications: Both esomeprazole and levosulpiride can interact with other medications, potentially affecting their effectiveness. Inform your healthcare provider about all medications you’re taking.
  6. Gastric Infections: While PPIs reduce stomach acid production, they may increase the risk of gastric infections in some individuals.
  7. Kidney Function: PPIs have been associated with a potential risk of acute kidney injury, particularly when used at higher doses or for extended periods.
  8. Bone Health: Long-term PPI use may be associated with a slightly increased risk of bone fractures, particularly in individuals with existing risk factors.
  9. Individual Response: Not everyone will experience the same effects or issues when taking this combination. Monitor your response and consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Consultation with Healthcare Provider:

Before using esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate 40 mg and levosulpiride 75 mg, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider. They can evaluate your specific condition, discuss potential benefits and risks, and provide guidance on proper dosage and duration of use. Additionally, regular follow-up appointments can help monitor your response to the medication and address any concerns that may arise.

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